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Build an analytics capability to hire, develop and retain the best talent.

We help companies create a data-driven culture to make better and faster decisions for hiring, developing, and retaining the best talent.

Improve time-to-decision through data.
What we help companies

Improve time-to-decision through data. What we help companies measure.

Build an analytics capability to mine data to hire, develop and retain the best talent.

We help companies create a data-driven culture to make better and faster decisions for hiring, developing, and retaining the best talent.

Create Your Custom HR App

Are you tired of using off-the-shelf software? HR Software is costly due to per-user license costs and not customized enough to the unique needs of your business. The rise of no-code platforms allows HR departments to create custom HR applications that are cost-effective and easy to maintain. We can help you build an application in as little as one month.

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Our Clients Experience

Talent Acquisition

Candidate Experience & Assessment

Reference Checks

Quality of Hire 

Employee Experience

New Hire Experience 

Employee Experience

Exit & Alumni Experience

Learning & Development

Reskilling & Upskilling

Leadership Assessment

Technical Assessment

Talent Management


Career Pathing

Succession Planning

Let’s chat

Schedule a call with us today and learn more about how we can help you design and launch customized HR strategies and develop software in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional HR consulting companies and technology agencies, all in one place.

How Effective is the 30-60-90 New Hire Survey?

Introduction to eNPS and mNPS

Turnover: How to Retain in Home Healthcare

¿Qué causa Burnout en el personal médico que presta el servicio a domicilio?

Talent Acquisition

$5 USD

Per User / Per Month

Employee Experience

$10 USD

Per User / Per Month

Learning & Development

$15 USD

Per User / Per Month

Talent Management

$20 USD

Per User / Per Month

Custom App Development

Custom Pricing

Talk with us


Best Talent Ever

Fusce accumsan tellus bibendum, mattis mauris ac, semper ex. Suspendisse tempus non lorem at malesuada. Sed dapibus leo libero, nec facilisis odio elementum nec. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

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WeWork Usaquen

Monday / 3pm.

Succession planning for critical roles.

WeWork 127

Monday / 3pm.


Designing your employee lifecycle surveys.

WeWork Usaquen

Monday / 3pm.


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